Thank You
A lot of the features on this site would not have been possible without the extensive help I've received. This list isn't exhaustive and I'm grateful to everyone who has helped. If you feel someone has been left out then please contact me.
I would like to thank all of the players and explorers who run the various data collection tools which allow us to gather data about the galaxy which makes these sites even possible but a few have gone above and beyond.
- Cmdr Baton
The other developers who have helped by providing data dumps, information and advice.
- Frontier Developments
- Anthor (EDSM)
- Themroc (EDDB)
- Biobob (EDCodex)
- MattG (EDJP)
- Elite: Dangerous Community Developers
- Syleo (ExTool)
- DMHaffy and all of Canonn Interstellar Research
- LCU No Fool Like One
- Bravada Cadelanne
- Cmdr. Mr. Dr. Diego (For the logo)
The translators who have made the native language versions of this site.
- Cmdr John Kozak (EliteLogAgent) - русский
- Helton (Stormspike) - Português
- Demfloro - русский
- Lee_N_Tien - русский
- AntonyVern - русский
- Andric - русский
- Whirlwind113 - русский
- CMDR trotus - русский
- CMDR Amberson - русский
- Taledo - Français
- Amiral Gloomy - Français
- Iskender Touzard - Español
- CMDR FrostBit - Italiano
The patrons who have contributed towards the costs of hosting and developing.
- NivisOwl
- Bubba Jerkins
- Troy Bodrero
- Daniel Rotchford
- William Grates
- Rising
- Bonkonius
- Kai Pelzel
- TheInfidelis
- Mr James Brown
- Pete Southall
- Cometborne
- Recrudesce
- Daniel Ross
- 4uchryss4u
- Scott Doty
- Avraham Adler
- TrainmanRob
- Pablo Soto
- Ben Peddel
- Caleb Dume
- Bughunter13
- Mr Dean Thomas
- Nicole Oberle
- Brad Tidball
- Blaidd Drwg
- Bob Pianka
- Doug Farley
- WildBill24
- Just Ice
- Paulo Rodrigues
- Clark Wierda
- Daniel Semon
- Tony Barrett
- Cmdr Lythix
- An Ku
- Daedalus ONeill
- Chris
- Micah Clipperton
- James A Duncan
- Ryan Trottier
- Steve Towner
- Francis Rivinus
- Mark Kent
- Gvine
- Malc
- Søren Birch
- LuckyLuigi
- ChasingSol
- Boris Schmakowski
- Sauce Soja
- Jay Lucky
- CMDR Missed Legend
- Alex Hulette
- Mastadon623
- Tony rogers
- Robert Miesen
- Paul Stokes
- Adam Cookson
- CMDR Knight1424
- George Gavaghan
- Dr. Jan Ploke
- Astro74205
- Karl
- Jim N
- hexagon6
- Lyle McNeal
- Mike Halsey
- Gern Blanston
- Steve Park
- Rick Nordman
- Paul Bendall
- Tony Sheen
- CMDR Reise Lang
- StarGoid
- Jeff Stokes
- Ted Dees
- Enrico Albrecht
- Vanja Tesin
- Mander
- Harvey Dopson
- Justin Brinson
- Paul Hixson
- Michael Tucker
- Blakamot
- Alexander
- Stefan Sickl
- Jeff Looney
- Eahlstan Fiskerne
- Michael Buck
- Nick Thomson
- Cmdr Cairnburn
- Ricardo Leon
- SubOhms
- Epaphus
- David Gibbs
- 3x1t_5tyl3